Computer Misuse Act 1990:
- Cannot gain unauthorised access on a private network on any user’s computer.
- Cannot gain unauthorised access on a network on any user’s computer to commit a crime.
- Cannot MAKE, OBTAIN or SUPPLY malware.
Freedom Of Information’s Act 2000:
This is where the public can request to view their personal data stored in the country’s servers for their own personal use.
Act covers information stored in computer data files, emails and printed documents.
Public Organisations such as councils, parliament, armed forces and the NHS. All have to publish certain information on a regular basis.
But if the request asked by the public is putting the country at risk and at national security or cause harm to other people, then the organisation can reject the request on only these terms.
The Data Protection Act 1998:
- Data can only be used in a fair and lawful way
- Data must only be kept as long as it is needed for
- Data should be kept safe and secure
- Data must be kept accurate and up-to-date
- Data can only be used for its specified purpose.
- Data cannot be transferred between two countries without adequate protection
- The rights of the data subject must be observed
- Data should be adequate and not excessive its specified use
Creative Commons License:
- Attribution – Work can be shared, copied or modified but the copyright holder has to be credited.
- Share-alike -Only modified works can be distributed but with the same license terms as the original.
- Non-commercial – Nobody can re-sell this intellectual property for their commercial use.
- No derivative works – Work can be copied, distributed, but can’t be modified or built-upon

By Anshjeet Singh
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