Responding and being able to cope with stress is what most people
today are looking for and thus it would be worth exploring how to
respond to stress in the quest to gain some control over this negative
effect and get back some semblance of peace in the everyday life cycle
of the individual.
The body naturally reacts to any indication of stress, and most times
this response in not healthy and often fatal. When the body is
challenged by any condition that it considers being under stress, it
will kick in the natural responses that would require it to sort out the
problem as quickly as possible in order to normalize the overall
The hormones and cortisol from the adrenal cortex and adrenalin
form the adrenal medulla go out on if usual synchronicity patterns.
The Basics
In the quest to normalize the body, many of the various systems
will pit itself against each other; this most often will cause even
further damage both mentally and physically. The initial ways the
body responds to the mounting stress levels is through very visible
conditions, one of which is skin inflammation or irritation.
Cortisol also contains immune system responses, and is
particularly useful when the responses are harmful as then the
symptoms can be treated as opposed to being a silent problem.
Among the more visible sign are usually allergies and autoimmune
The responses are described as allostasis which is actual the
stability of the body being maintained or the homeostasis through
the various stages of change. The body actively copes with the
challenge by expending energy and attempting to put right the
For the most part is usually succeeds but if left unchecked the
stress situation can eventually prove to be too much for the body to

By Anshjeet Singh
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