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Hello there! I know what you’re thinking. Maths GCSE is hard. Maths is confusing. How will I do well in it?
Well, don’t worry further! I am here to help.
Here are my five tips to succeed and help you on your journey to achieve a Grade 9 in Maths GCSE:
Tip Number #1: Strike on your weaknesses not strengths! (Maths GCSE)

I used to do this exact thing throughout my first year and trust me; it didn’t work out.
Never think you can carry on only practising your strengths and ignoring those weaknesses. The Exam Questions are going to be on the whole curriculum.
Not just your strengths.
Believe me, once you have understood the whole curriculum and are confident in most areas. Only then can you start focussing on specific topics. Spend more time on topics YOU find difficult. This rule also applies to doing Exam questions if you only do the first few easy questions and simply ignore the difficult ones. You are the one missing out on a Grade 9. You are the one who will face the disappointment.
Don’t ever let that happen.
It’s fine to boost up your confidence, but if you can answer a difficult question that you had previously been ignoring or skipping. Trust me you’re going to be overjoyed with confidence. That feeling of accomplishment will be all over you!
Always attempt every question: easy or difficult. Always learn the whole curriculum: Your strength or weakness.
Tip Number #2: Use Resources around you!

This Tip doesn’t only apply to Maths, but really everything! Get your own revision guide or a textbook. Something that you can read or refer to. When you’re not too sure about something. You can go to your textbook.
Also, the internet itself is a great resource. Various websites can help you to achieve that Grade 9. Some focus entirely on giving you practice exam questions. Some focus on showing you how to do a certain question or even teach you the whole topic. Learning through watching a video whilst taking notes is recommended as it’s proven to increase the amount of key information one can retain.
- This links to the first tip! Focus on one topic you are weak at.
- Then read through your revision guide and the textbook for further knowledge and recap the content.
- Watch a few key videos on YouTube or websites such as ‘Maths Watch.’
- Search up ‘GCSE Exam style question worksheets for (your chosen topic)’
- Do these questions and make sure you attempt them all!
- Self-Mark or ask someone else to mark your work for you.
- Repeat these steps until you’re confident
- Voila! You have just overcome your own weakness! Hurrah!
Tip: Set a certain time limit when you’re doing the exam questions and this would allow you to be not only amazing at the topic but also fast at it!
This would create a good study mindset for you and you’re more than welcome to do the same for other topics even if they are your strength, practice, practice, practice! I cannot stress this enough. This leads me to my next tip…
Tip Number #3: Routine & Practice!

You need to have a routine where you will do a certain amount of questions in a certain amount of time. Have your own weekly or even daily schedule. This tip applies to all subjects!
Have 10 questions to be completed each day in about 15-20 minutes. Don’t give yourself too much time or liberty to then slack off and not get anything done.
Be strict on yourself but if you managed to complete all questions under the time limit and got a good score then: Well Done! Reward yourself with a treat or a 10-minute break.
If you give only 20 minutes to practising questions every day, trust me, you will overcome your fear of any math question and would’ve incredible confidence in yourself!
Moreover, do Exam papers too, if you have free time and nothing else to do, do a quick exam paper. Time yourself. See how long it takes you to complete it.
Practice, practice and just practice. I believe in you and should you!! Again there are various sites just out there for YOU such as Corbett Maths.
Tip Number #4: Get help from your peers, tutors, parents!
I know many friends and peers who don’t specifically understand something, but they don’t put in the effort to ask their teacher or tutors. It’s fine to ask, you are there because you’re meant to learn.
It’s fine to not know certain topics or questions. But it’s not fine to not ask about it.
You need to put in the effort to understand it and help you to gain a better comprehension of the topic. Don’t be shy. Be confident. Some schools host intervention lessons, where they’re certain lectures before or after school regarding a specific topic.
This is vital for you and your understanding of a topic. Make good use of this resource.
You can even ask your peers and maybe you may feel more comfortable learning it from someone you know really well. Ask your parents about a topic.
But you can increase the depth of your knowledge further by being the person explaining it to someone else. This would again aid you to build more confidence.
Your teachers, tutors, parents and peers are all there to help you gain knowledge to make sure you utilise this opportunity effectively!
Tip Number #5: Have the correct Mindset!(Maths GCSE)

NEVER think ‘you are bad at Maths’ or ‘I can’t do it’.
Yes. You. Can.
Don’t ever let yourself down, have a strong mindset to do well, can’t do something right. No worries, try again. But, NEVER GIVE UP. When you struggle it shows you don’t know something yet, so go ahead and learn it. It’s that simple.
But that exact place is where many give up. They regard it to be ‘hard’ and scapegoat the saying ‘I can’t do it’ to not even try to put in the effort to learn something new.
Struggling is just a sign of learning. Maths is not hard. As long as you try.
Despite this, many fall into the trap of this habit and soon enough they learn nothing and blame it on the subject. No one is born smart. YOU have to become one.
Always be in the habit of learning NOT yearning to be smart. Have a positive attitude to everything including Maths and trust me, you will learn much more and be more productive than you ever have been!
Thanks for coming down this far to read all of my important and effective tips for your success to a Grade 9 in Maths!! May you achieve it!
I will be uploading a new blog every two weeks. Be sure to check it out!
Now go on and try a few questions of Maths right now, there’s always going to be time for Maths. Good Luck!
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By Anshjeet Singh
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